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- 2023 Seniors -

If you're reading this, it's time to start planning your senior photos! Can you believe it?

Your senior year is a major milestone in your life that holds memories you will remember forever. I would love to capture YOU during this special time. I am here to make your senior portrait experience as easy as possible. Below are the top things to know when planning:

1. Book early for the best availability

I start booking senior sessions about 6 months in advance and have even had some book as early as 1 year in advance. Space is limited. As soon as you decide I am the photographer for you - reach out!

2. The “senior portrait season” is June - October

August is typically the busiest month and tends to book up first. If you plays fall sports, it’s probably best to book your session in the summer - as fall will be extra busy for you with games + practice. For girls, booking towards the end of summer or after a beach vacation is perfect to ensure you have that perfect tan! With each season in Oklahoma, there is a different overall look/feel! So - pick your date based on your personality. For example, if you love sweaters & leaves - book in the fall. If you love dresses & sweater - book spring! (Pro tip for senior boys: book in the fall so you aren't sweating!).

3. I will help you determine the location!

I have a CR Location Guide filled with my most popular Tulsa spots that I will send over for inspiration. We will chat about what your style is & I will be able to direct you to which locations might be best for our session! My top three locations are pictured below. You can see, each spot is totally different!

4. Nothing to wear?

Don't worry! I also double as a stylist. Send me your outfits before hand or bring options to have me look through! Fashion is my first love - so, I got you covered!

5. What is golden hour?

I typically - especially with seniors - shoot during golden hour! This is the hour before the sun goes down & gives my photography that soft, beautiful light. Note when booking that this changes depending on season! So in the Summer, it is pretty late but in the Fall it is earlier!


Q: Do your packages include the digital images / prints?

A: Guess what? THE DIGITAL IMAGES COME WITH YOUR SESSION! I want to emphasize this because it is where I am different than other photographers. When you receive your online gallery, the photos are YOURS. I do not watermark (logo) my images. You may download, post, print - whatever you wish! No print minimum - I repeat: no print minimum! You are welcome to (& I highly encourage to) print / order fine art products through me but there is zero obligation. The benefits of printing through your photographer is better quality, connivance & true colors. Like I have said before - paying for photography & then using a consumer printing services is like buying a nice piece of prime rib & deep frying it ... just personal preference!

Q: How does the process work after our shoot?

A: When you hire me, you trust me to select the "cream of the crop" from our session. I go through every photo taken during our shoot & pick the best ones to edit! This is where you can save & download your favorite images! After that, we can discuss product options & all the fun senior things you may need me to design / help out with: like grad announcements!

Q: What packages do you offer?

A: I have 3 different packages. Each offers a different number of edited images & a certain number of outfits + locations. You select which one is best to fit your needs!

Q: Do you do graduation announcements or yearbook ads?

A: Yes & I love to!!! Some examples are below.

Q: How long does our shoot last?

A: Depends on your package - but typically an hour!

Q: Hair & makeup?

A: I have a girl I recommend! You will want to wear more than you normally do. My photos are soft + natural, so you don't want to look washed out!

Q: What if weather is bad?

A: Due to crazy Oklahoma weather, I do not cancel sessions until day of! If weather isn't right conditions to shoot, we will reschedule! This will not count as your one reschedule & we will get you in as close to your original date / time as possible.

Ready to book?

I would be absolutely honored to shoot your senior portraits! Please head to my contact page to receive more info + my booking link. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I am always happy to talk you through everything!

